“...people don't respect the morning. an alarm clock violently wakes them up, shatters their sleep like the blow of an ax, and they immediately surrender themselves to deadly haste. can you tell me what kind of day can follow a beginning of such violence? what happens to people whose alarm clock daily gives them a small electric shock? each day they become more used to violence and less used to pleasure.”
-milan kundera, farewell waltz
it's the middle of the work week and people are rushing to their offices with tight faces and grim expressions. overheard is the predictable quizzing of each other about weekend plans for fun. i wonder why we store it all up just to rush and blow off all our steam from friday night to sunday afternoon. how sad to spend five days just existing only to exhaust ourselves with diversions at the end of the week.
why aren't we savouring the moment? when the alarm jolts us from slumber, we automatically rise and begin the routine machinations of "getting ready". ready for what exactly is what i wonder. why not pause a moment, take notice of ourselves, our bodies, our breath and our surroundings. listen to the streets below and the birds above. feel the world waking and instead of moving, rest and be still. relish in the pleasure of another day to be lived and felt and experienced.
pause from your workday intertia today and veer a little off course. take a different route home, try a new place for lunch, walk outside and sit in the park. better yet, do something you enjoy tonight...pleasure is yours for the taking, fun is in the doing...
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