29 September, 2011

puss plats

just a sweet thought for today.
i found this charming picture on elsa’s blog (one of my faves) and thought, wouldn’t it be nice if we had “puss plats” all over town?

since i have no such place, officially, may i suggest marking one of your own this weekend.
happy kissing…

28 September, 2011

she wanted something to happen -
     something, anything...she did not know what...
                                                                                                 kate chopin


23 September, 2011

social grace

the 'sneak invite'. totally not cool.
why is it when you make plans with a friend they think it is okay to invite someone else along to join without checking with you first? do they not understand how this alters the social dynamic? do they not understand the demands on social reserves that engaging strangers requires? if you are not given to bursts of spontaneous friendliness …the sneak invite may demand herculean effort. sigh.
we can do it of course. we all can. we know how to tap into our stores of politesse and cocktail banter but it doesn’t mean that it is always preferable or enjoyable.
to be fair, being open to new people and perspectives is often good. indeed, twisting the dynamic leads to growth—both individual and social. but it is just plain polite to give notice. not all topics between friends are appropriate for an audience of strangers and it could get awkward.  who likes that?
please, just ask before you ask others. if it was a plan for two or a plan with a specific cast of characters, be courteous to those initially involved and allow them the option of extending the invitation…or not…  

22 September, 2011

coolest girls on the planet

i haven't been very inspired lately...until i saw this from rebecca & fiona's twitter feed

they are just the coolest girls on the planet right now. for real.
strong women playing to win in a man's game. i love it and love them for it!
they manage to be hot and fierce, smart and sexy, cool and effortless all at once. 
and they are really good at what they do.
really. seriously. good. admirably good.
 i am totally obsessed...

if you don't know them now...you need to get acquainted ...snabbt!
 they are headed for world domination.

13 September, 2011

miss me blind

even though i am enraged on a daily basis by the inequities of my female existence, i am always thankful to be a woman. i had another ‘whew…am i glad to be a woman’ moment last night.
i was vegging out in front of the tv and an ad for cialis came on. now, normally i don’t really pay attention to ads much less ones clearly not targeted to my own demographic, but i was totally mesmerized by this one.
an attractive middle-aged couple together shopping at the grocery store, gently and smilingly fondling produce…of course, inspiring an intimate moment; suddenly they embrace and now the supermarket is a wooded glen, and that orange display? poof! now it’s a picnic blanket and our couple lies down on it, gazing deeply into each other eyes. this totally happens to me at the safeway. All. The. Time. i was cracking up.
but the part that really caught me was when the voice-over ran down the side effects…ummm…BLINDNESS anyone??? apparently taking cialis may have a ‘sudden and severe’ side effect of freaking blindness! so, there’s your choice droopy…blindness or a boner. wow. am i glad to be a woman. because you know the guys taking cialis (and there are quite a few of them…insurance covered, of course, don’t even get me started on that…god forbid a man lose his potency…what evil would befall us??) i digress…you know the guys taking cialis are seriously willing to risk losing their sight just to get an erection.
that is devotion to a, ahem, member, for sure.

09 September, 2011

be the woman you want to be

so direct. so simple. so true.

DvF...she's certainly the woman she wants to be. beautiful, bright, ambitious and strong - she is living proof of her credo.

be the woman you want to be...you can decide to be who or what you want to be whenever you like. this is your life to live. you can change who you want to be without apology or concession. no more waiting for tomorrow, no more postponing, procrastinating or hiding behind arbitrary markers or excuses.  fear not... just be...right here and right now...

believe it and be it.

photo credit: vogue.com

06 September, 2011

what we call the beginning is often the end.
and to make an end is to make a beginning.
the end is where we start from.

                                                           - t. s. eliot  

photo credit: film still of the unbearable lightness of being

05 September, 2011

i was gone and now i'm back

suddenly it's september...it came out of nowhere it seems...the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. for me (and many others) it is like a mini new year with that hard to shake back-to-school feel in the air and in my heart. looking back the summer flew by but it was a good one. it was full of people i love, friends i haven't seen in ages, dancing, long lazy days with family here and back home and even the soothe of the ocean. it was a happy and fortunate season...i am reluctant to let go and jump into fall but there is really no choice. life moves forward, marching on despite our longings and laggings.

a short re-cap of what-i-wore and some things i did this summer.