30 April, 2011

25 April, 2011

april is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire

If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.

Michel de Montaigne

23 April, 2011

saturday at the vmfa

not usually a picasso fanatic but today's exhibit was extraordinary. paintings and sculptures i have never before seen. those i knew took on a totally different meaning for me in this context. it was beautiful...
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22 April, 2011


heading to Richmond tomorrow with J and B to see the Picasso exhibit at the VMFA. really looking forward to the day away and the chance to see something new. i am eager for a different perspective.

21 April, 2011

skärtorsdag... i want candy!

waiting...i am learning

wait. if the time is not right, wait. if the way is not clear, wait.

even if urgency presses down on you, if it is not right, wait.

living with confusion is uncomfortable. acting before we are resolved may create more confusion. wait...until you are clear...

this does not mean we are passive. it just means we are processing.

wait...the answer will come...

20 April, 2011


welcome to the swede lowdown...

where no question is answerless, no problem unsolvable, no fear unconquerable

where life is stylish and smart

where you get it straight-up